Well I spend big part of the day continuing on the bot. There are just a few parts left to do and a few to detail up a bit more. Gonna make Molle straps on the vest, add the telescopic baton I also made, also to the police vest. Have made a pepper spray can ( not on the picture) and will have to do some straps to attach it. The main things that are left to do are a left hand clenched up into a fist, a right hand holding the pistol, a right hand holding the baton and last but not least the neck and the head of the military robot. Quite some stuff to do still....
All three are the same size, albeit them not being the same size on the picture. From left to right:
P.O.U., R.P.O.U., Mil-I
Well, that's it for today I guess. Way to spend your saturday....
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