Montag, 30. Mai 2016

Drillbit assembled

The 3D print of the drillbit also got here, cleaned the supports, assembled and primed it light grey. So happy with this, I bet it will look great in the final model.

3D prints got here!

So the first 3D pritns of the ALIENS stuff got here and they are beautiful, thanks to Adam and Matt for their hard work!

The foot in the background is from a 1:10 NECA Marine, the blue squares are 1cm each, so you get an idea of the size.

I have yet to clean some of the supports off and sand the items in these places. Tremendously satisfied with how the pritns came out, more to come soon!

Sentrygun UA571-C

Sentrygun 3D view, finally got around to load it up on sketchfab. Made a little mistake while exporting so the rear fins look a bit wonky. Might fix that in the future. The fins in the 3d print file are fine however since they were all exported as separate pieces to make casting possible. Will probably send it to print this week.

Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2016

ALIEN items finished

I just uploaded a whole bunch of the ALIEN models I made to my shapeways shop  at a few different scales. Also waiting for some prints from a friend, will show pics as soon as I get them.

Here is some other stuff I did over the last weeks to fill the picture gap in this post.

Dienstag, 24. Mai 2016

Finished sentry gun

As seen in Aliens! Will prepare the files for printing in the following days and then load it up to my shapeways shop. I have been asked for several scales, so I'll make them all available.

What do you expect us to use man, harsh language?- Frost

Sentry gun WIP

Almost done with this puppy, just a few minor things to add to the model now.

Maybe we got 'em demoralized.  - Hudson

Montag, 2. Mai 2016

All the shiny things

All Sulaco cargo assets together on the tiles. 
The grey toolbox was seen on LV-426 but hey, the USCM needs tools too.

woot woot!

Sonntag, 1. Mai 2016

Little boxes...

Made to fit the power loader. As seen in Aliens, tryed to get it as close to the reference I could. Cheers to the nice guys at aliens.legacy for their help! Stay frosty!

Where do you want it?  - Ripley